Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Dreams Shot And Killed

There are times when you wonder what will become of your children or even your own life. Do we have meaning? What is out part in the universe? For six people in Arizona there are are no more questions. They are Dead!. When Jared Loughner allegedly shot and killed these six people their dreams ended.

But they are not the only ones affected by this horrific act of violence. The people who were left behind will never be the same. The friends and family members can never fill that void. Also the parents of the alleged shooter will never recover. As people assign blame please remember everyone involved in this account.

Was it the hate speak spewed at high octane levels part of the reason? In some way I say "Yes!".  Hate is hate and covering it in roses will make no difference. Some have said the alleged shooter is mentally unstable. If this is true, the sadness which I feel is compounded by the lack of responsibility taken by the the hate-sayers. Those with mental issues are far more likely to act out when hearing the hate speech.

STOP HATE SPEECH OF ANY KIND! GROW UP AND TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR ACTIONS! You know who you are. Stop passing the buck and playing this infantile blame game. Please keep the family's and friends of all who are part of this horrible shooting in your thoughts. Check yourself, do you say things which are hateful? Do you allow your children to hear these things or let them say it without correction? Let us all learn from this.

1 comment:

  1. Your concerns are well taken - but I sometimes am prone to doubt if human nature is as evolved or enlightened as you (or I) would like it to be. Hate isnt the sole property of sociopathic aberrations like Jared Loughner, no, its behind every tree!
    It's ironic to me that as I was preparing to post to my own blog "excaliburs word" - just yesterday - an article on this very subject (violent political rhetoric and its consequences) I discovered over a two dozen posts of the fanatical right wing ranting variety from an angry troll who is pissed because I un-friended him from my facebook page precisely because of his addiction to snarky ad hominem.
    Sadly these people are everywhere and it takes maybe only the wrong button being pushed to set them off.
