C-Street by Claudette Walker is an amazing novel. What does our government hide from us? What are the insiders capable of? For one woman Jacqueline, the more she finds out the worse it gets. This fast paced and intriguing novel got me going! In this menagerie of emotions you feel light hearted , frightened, angry and curiously aroused! Part of me wanted to be Jacqueline and the other felt a sudden chill in my bones! I was taken on a trip round the world and didn't even have to book a flight! I hope there will be a movie soon! Here me Hollywood? Good! If you enjoy reading about sex, drugs, politics, and espionage this is the novel for you! Enjoy the read and while you are looking over your shoulder....LOL

She-Rain by Michael Cogdill is a wonderful novel of hope and survival amongst a backdrop of sadness and despair. Rising up from nothing to achieve a greater sense of self. Are we as humans sentenced to the life we are born into or our we capable of more? In She-Rain you can feel a sense empowerment and joy in a heddi mix of resentment and isolation. This very emotional novel is a journey beyond ones self scratching at the infestation we call destiny and and spitting in it's eye! Most riveting and enjoyable..a great read for anyone.